Before developing a website or online store, you will have to choose which technologies to use. The wrong choice can affect the scalability of the project, its security, and technical support. Therefore, it is better to study this issue at the beginning if you do not want to redo the entire project from scratch.
Consider the most well-known technologies used to create a website and e-commerce.
PHP technology. Pros and cons
PHP is a popular programming language for developing web resources. Some programmers advise using it for blogs because there are many ready-made templates. Many owners of small online stores also opt for PHP. If you plan to create a website with a simple design, you should also examine it better.

Diverse factors have contributed to the popularity of PHP among programmers and business owners:
Supports many databases
PHP allows you to work with different databases (DB). If you do not understand what it is and why it is important, we will explain it to you.
A database is a program that helps store and process the information on your site, e-commerce, or another web resource. You need a database if you want customers to fill out a signup form, create an account, or purchase your products. It allows you to reduce the load on the server, optimize the speed of data processing and make the site safer.
Permits you to save money
It is an open-source language. So you can reduce the cost of licenses, software, and tools needed during the development process. This advantage can be significant for your business if you are limited in finances.
Attracts a lot of developers
PHP is easier to learn than languages like Java or С++. Therefore, many programmers choose it to avoid working with large-scale and very complex projects. In addition, they have a significant database of documentation at their disposal, which helps to facilitate and accelerate the learning process.

What are the profits for entrepreneurs and managers? The more specialists this technology attracts, the more opportunities you have. Huge competition forces us to improve and develop all the time. You are guaranteed to find a highly qualified professional at a bargain price.
We have highlighted several essential disadvantages you will face if you choose PHP to create a website or other product.
Has vulnerable security
Since PHP is open-source, it is more susceptible to attacks. Any flaws in the system become widely known, which hackers and scammers exploit for their purposes.
Another feature of this technology that is both an advantage and a disadvantage is that it is easy to learn compared to other languages. It is why PHP is so popular among beginners. They are often unable to provide quality security for web resources due to their inexperience and lack of knowledge. It also gives rise to the notion that PHP is not secure.
Loses its popularity
We can observe that some developers lose interest in this technology, despite the large number of its adherents. Some languages offer more modern solutions that PHP doesn’t.
Experts recommend using it for small projects and blogs, so many programmers cannot develop their skills by completing complex tasks and large-scale products. This factor limits their professional and financial growth. In the future, we may face a decline in specialists in this niche. Now you will cut costs, but you may lose in the long run on maintaining the project or switching to another programming language.
Javascript technology. Pros and cons
It is one of the most popular programming languages today. Over 90% of companies prefer to use it for developing their websites. Giants such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others have long seen the potential of this technology not only for interfaces but also for the server-side.
Why do many big brands and tech companies decide to apply Javascript in their projects? Let’s look at some of the essential benefits of this language.
Offers many interfaces, tools, and frameworks
Design is one of the main factors that influence sales. JavaScript provides various graphical user interfaces that help optimize your customer experience and stand out from the competition.

Many tools and libraries help speed up the development process and simplify some tasks for the programmer because they can implement ready-made solutions. Thus, you will decrease the cost of their services.
Supports all browsers
It is compatible with all browsers that we widely use around the world. If you plan to create a responsive website with various features, this technology will help you realize your ideas.
Gain popularity
Unlike PHP, Javascript is becoming more and more popular every year. Developers like it because they can learn it quickly compared to other languages. Javascript is constantly evolving and keeping up with current trends. Almost all modern websites are created using this technology. So you can quickly find a qualified specialist for developing your web resource.
Provides high performance
Node.js can withstand high traffic and allows you to run multiple processes at the same time. It is an important indicator if you have an online store or a news resource that many users visit every day.
Customers do not like to wait and leave the site when they find errors. Not to lose clients, you should choose technologies that provide high performance.
Compatible with other languages
It opens up many possibilities for you. If Javascript does not cover all your needs, develop separate parts or programs using other languages. You can create projects based on Javascript, for example, for the client-side, and use Java, PHP, or Python for the server-side. Thus, you will get a comprehensive product to implement all your tasks.
After reading its advantages, do not think that this option is ideal. You should be aware of some of the nuances.
Has some security flaws
There are some loopholes that scammers use to inject their malware. Don’t economize on development if you store important data and want to protect your site. Hire professionals who can provide a reliable system of protection against intruders.
It May be displayed differently in browsers
Although many browsers support Javascript technology, the appearance of the resource and some of its functions may differ in Chrome or Safari, for example. Do cross-browser testing before showing your website to visitors to ensure everything works the way you want.
Difference between PHP and Javascript. What to choose?
One of the main differences between the two languages is that PHP is used primarily for the backend (i.e., the server-side), while Javascript is better for the frontend (i.e., for the client-side).

If you want to create a productive website, you should consider Javascript. This technology offers many frameworks, libraries, and interfaces that help develop a modern design with animations, scrolling, 3D graphics, and other effects. PHP is more limited in terms of design and interactivity and is not suitable for frontend development.
Both technologies have security flaws. To avoid problems with hacker attacks, you should contact qualified specialists. Don’t economize on protecting your website and avoid hiring beginners or amateurs. Find a professional who has development experience and successful cases. Look for a whole team if you have a complex project. We have an article to help you decide who is better to hire a freelancer or an agency.
Javascript is gaining popularity while PHP is losing it. More and more developers are choosing to study Javascript because it is easier to learn and understand. They can use many ready-made solutions that simplify writing code. In addition, programmers keep track of all current developments and prefer languages that allow them to apply the latest technologies and trends.
Javascript is cross-language compatible, and PHP only сombines with HTML. If you also want to use Python or Java and create a complex platform with a unique design, learn more about Javascript.
Summing it up
PHP supports many databases, offers free software and tools, and remains one of the most popular technologies among developers. However, its vulnerable security system can create some problems if you don’t hire experienced programmers. In addition, its growing decline in the interest of beginners may cause a shortage of professionals in the future.
Javascript offers different frameworks and tools. And it also supports many popular browsers. This technology also allows you to use other languages in the project that are compatible with it. You can be sure that you will always find an experienced specialist because its popularity grows every year. It has some security flaws that a qualified developer can fix.
If you create a website, perform cross-browser testing to ensure everything works correctly.
Both technologies are popular right now, but if you are looking for modern solutions and want to scale the project, it will be easier to reach your goals with Javascript. It allows you to get a unique design and use many advanced effects and features.